Congratulations to the new Masters of Wine

Huge congratulations to the 10 new Masters of Wine (MWs) and the seven award winners at last night's Institute of Masters of Wine (IMW) awards ceremony, recognising excellence in all areas of the MW examination.

We were delighted to welcome the new MWs to Vintners’ Hall who hail from six countries across three continents.

Pictured with Master Vintner Ann Hill JP (centre), IMW’s Chair Rod Smith, and Executive Director Julian Gore-Booth, the new MWs include: Neil Bernardi MW (US), Emily Brighton MW (UK), Benjamin Hasko MW (Singapore), Christopher Martin MW (UK), Victoria Mason MW (UK), Robert Mathias MW (UK), Dror Nativ MW (UK), Pietro Russo MW (Italy), Tone Veseth Furuholmen MW (Norway) and Wei Xing MW (China).

The Master Vintner also presented Victoria Mason MW the new 'Vintners' Company award', for the top performance in the business of wine paper.

Congratulations everyone!


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