Membership of the Vintners’ Company

Of days gone by
Methods of Entry
Application for membership of the Company MUST be by one of the methods outlined in this section and the candidate MUST satisfy the qualifying criteria.
In recent times, the main method of joining the Vintners’ Company has become by either Patrimony or Redemption.
Servitude has been replaced with the Young Wine Trade Membership Scheme.
In 2023, the Vintners’ Entry Scheme was introduced to make membership of the Company more accessible to those employed in the wine industry. The introduction of the Young Wine Trade Membership Scheme and Vintners’ Entry Scheme are in line with the Company’s continuing efforts to enrich its membership by broadening and diversifying its recruiting base.
The Young Wine Trade Membership Scheme
The ‘Young Wine Trade Membership Scheme’ was introduced to provide an opportunity for a select few younger people to join the Company. They must be set on a career in the wine industry and must demonstrate their commitment to the trade as part of the application process.
To read more about this scheme and the application criteria click HERE
The Vintners’ Entry Scheme
This scheme was introduced in 2023 to make membership of the Vintners’ Company more accessible to those employed in the wine industry, but who do not know sufficient Vintners to satisfy a Redemption application.
Read more about this scheme and how to apply HERE
The Patrimony route to membership of the Vintners’ Company is for sons and daughters of Freemen or Liverymen born after their parent joined the Company and received the Freedom of the City of London.
The Candidate must be a minimum of 21 years of age at the time of the Court of Binding but ideally candidates more towards 25 and upwards would be better placed to make an application. Entry is by ‘right of Patrimony’ and, as part of the application process, candidates must attend an interview before the Membership Committee to determine their suitability to be made an ‘Active’ member of the Freedom.
NB: Adopted sons and daughters of Freemen or Liverymen, providing that their date of birth is after their parent’s admission to the Company, are eligible to join the Company through the Patrimony route, although their entry will be annotated as via “Redemption”.
Membership by Patrimony
Membership by Redemption
This is an entry route for those who do not qualify through Patrimony and is managed by the Membership Committee who will review and assess all applications.
It is generally reserved for inviting Wine Merchants to join the Company but is flexible enough to cater for all potential, exceptional candidates, regardless of profession and in the overall interests of the Company.
Candidates must be recommended by 3 Liverymen, at least 1 one of whom must be a Court Member, and ALL supporters must know the candidate personally. Entry is not guaranteed.
The Proposer must take the lead in a Redemption application and ensure that all persons involved in the application (Seconders & Candidate) provide the necessary information to the Membership office.
Proposers may find full instructions on the Redemption application process by clicking HERE
A member may only be involved in a maximum of three (3) candidate applications in any one 'application year' (September - September)
Only when the application is complete will it be submitted to the Membership Committee for review.
NB: Stepchildren are allowed to apply for entry by Redemption providing they have strong family links.

Receiving the Freedom of the City of London
Application process & forms
If you are the son or daughter of a Vintner and feel you qualify for membership under the rules of Patrimony, please contact the Membership Office for instructions on the application process:
Redemption Applications
If you are a Court member or Liveryman of the Vintners’ Company and would like to propose a candidate for membership by Redemption, please click the button below for full instructions on the process:
All applicants must complete the online application form at the link below.
Please ensure you have contacted the Membership Office beforehand and understand the process. You will also need a password from the Membership Office. If you are a Redemption candidate, your should receive full instructions, including the password, from your Proposer.
Proposers and Seconders of Redemption candidates are required to submit their respective supporting form using the links below.
The Membership Committee will review all applications for membership at its September meeting each year. ONLY completed applications will be presented at this meeting.
It is therefore required that all applications are completed by end of July so that all is in order in good time before the September meeting.
Membership Committee may choose to reject an application at the September meeting.
Candidates who pass this stage of the process will be invited to interview with the Membership Committee. Following successful interview, Membership Committee will make recommendation to Court and, subject to Court approval, successful candidates will be invited to the next, annual Court of Binding where they will be made a Freeman of the Vintners’ Company.
Candidates who are not able to attend the Court of Binding will be invited to the Court of Binding the following year.