Governance & Company Structure
The Company is governed by the Master, three Wardens and a Court of Assistants, supported by a number of specialist committees.
The Court includes those Assistants who are waiting to progress through the ranks of Warden to become Master Vintner. Those who have been through "the Chair" are known as Past Masters.
The Master and Wardens are elected annually and the Company's year runs from the date of the Master’s Installation, traditionally the second Wednesday in July.
The Junior Warden is known as the 'Swan Warden' and is responsible for all swan matters.
The Master & Wardens 2024- 2025
Ann Hill
Richard Wilson MBE VR DL
Upper Warden
Ian Harris MBE
Renter Warden
James Handford MW
Swan Warden
The Vintners’ Company Staff
The Company employs a small number of full-time and part-time staff headed by a Chief Executive traditionally called 'The Clerk'.
The administrative structure is managed by the Office and Systems Manager assisted by the Administration Coordinator. This department is also responsible for all Membership matters, Vintners' Company events and the Master and Consort's daily programme.
A small accounting team manages all matters pertaining to finance, and the Hall Hire team is managed by the General Manager.
An Archivist and Charities Secretary is engaged on a part-time basis.
The administrative structure is managed by the Office and Systems Manager assisted by the Administration Coordinator. This department is also responsible for all Membership matters, Vintners' Company events and the Master and Consort's daily programme.
A small accounting team manages all matters pertaining to finance, and the Hall Hire team is managed by the General Manager.
An Archivist and Charities Secretary is engaged on a part-time basis.

The Clerk - Jonathan Bourne-May [photo 2019]
The various Company committees comprise members of Court, the Livery and certain staff members.
Where possible, the specialist skill sets and knowledge of members are utilised in order to enhance Committee effectiveness.
Committees are normally chaired by a Past Master of the Company who serves as Chairman for a period of no more than three years. Each committee has a 'secretary' responsible for continuity, minute taking, document preparation and archive, as well as communications.
Where possible, the specialist skill sets and knowledge of members are utilised in order to enhance Committee effectiveness.
Committees are normally chaired by a Past Master of the Company who serves as Chairman for a period of no more than three years. Each committee has a 'secretary' responsible for continuity, minute taking, document preparation and archive, as well as communications.
Aims & Objectives
The core ethos of all Livery Companies is timeless: fellowship, welfare, education, supporting the trade and, at all times, working in the best interests of the communities in which they operate.
The objectives of the Vintners' Company are:
The objectives of the Vintners' Company are:
- Support for the Wine Trade
- Preservation and enhancement of the Company’s assets
- Support for charitable activities
- Participation in the civic City
- Achievement of the highest practicable standards of hospitality