Swan Upping 2023
The annual census of the swan population living on the River Thames started this week with members of the Vintners’ Company taking to the waters for the annual Swan Voyage.
Swan Warden Ian Harris MBE pictured with Swan Marker ‘Milky’ Prentice (centre in blue) and the Swan Uppers
Swan Upping plays an important role in the conservation of the mute swan and involves collecting data, assessing the health of young cygnets and examining them for any injuries. Cygnets are extremely vulnerable at this early stage in their development and Swan Upping affords an opportunity to help both adults and cygnets that might otherwise go untreated.
The Vintners' Swan Uppers, led by our very own Swan Marker 'Milky' Prentice, travel in traditional rowing skiffs together with the King's Swan Uppers led by the King's Swan Marker David Barber, and the Swan Uppers from the Dyers’ Company.
Swan Warden Ian Harris MBE said: "It is not only a privilege to be appointed Swan Warden of the Vintners’ Company, but also a pleasure to attend the Swan Voyage just a week after my installation, and to witness the centuries-old tradition of marking and checking the swans. With all the current issues of avian flu, as well as pollution and vandalism, it is even more important that we look after the welfare of the swan population. The fifty guests had a great day, thanks to the weather and the impeccable organisation of the General Manager, and it was good to see such a broad demographic from the Livery”.