Master’s Installation 2022
On Wednesday 13 July 2022, Mr Edward Berry was installed as the 527th Master of the Vintners’ Company.
The Master ‘badged’ his Wardens as follows:
Upper Warden: Anthony Fairbank
Renter Warden: Sophia Bergqvist
Swan Warden: Richard Wilson
The events of the day were attended by some 110 Members, guests and staff of the Vintners’ Company.
Following the Ceremony of Installation in the Company’s Court Room, the newly installed Master, his Wardens and members of the Livery processed, in traditional form, to St James Garlickhythe Church for the annual Installation Church Service. A buffet lunch was served back at Vintners’ Hall following the Church Service.
A copy of the Church service can be downloaded HERE
A copy of the Chaplain’s Sermon may be viewed HERE
The installation of the new Master and Wardens takes place at the July Court meeting each year. The date, the second Wednesday in July, is fixed by Charter.