70 Years since first MW Exam
Today marks 70 years since the Institute of Masters of Wine held its first Master of Wine exam here at Vintners' Hall.
An extract from the first Master of Wine exam paper from May 1953
22 candidates took part, writing papers on cultivation of the vine, production of wine, handling of wine and cellar provision, legal and selling problems, customs and excise and the history of the wine trade. There was then a practical exam - faulty wines to consider, red and white wines, and 'objects used in the wine trade' produced for recognition and comment.
Only 6 candidates were found to have the required standard. Since then 500 people have now passed the exam which is known for its complexity and gained the accolade of ‘Master of Wine’.
The Master Vintner said: “We are immensely proud to have played such an important part in its instigation and which to this day still plays such a relevant part in the wine trade”.